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Stalags XVII-XXI


Kriegsgefangenenpost postcard sent from an Italian POW at Stalag XX-B to an address in Montescheno. At the time of writing the Stalag housed over 6,500 Italian soldiers. Ref: 26.09.1944

List of camps, numbers XVII - XXI with links (in bold)

Camp location, nationalities and population taken from 'Prisoners of War in Germany 1939-1945 by Gianfranco Mattiello (2003)


XVII - A Kaisersteinbruch

XVII - B Gneixendorf (Austria)

XVII - C Edelbach-Döllersheim

XVII - D (398) Pupping

XVIII - A Wolfsberg (March 1941 - 1945)

XVIII - B Spittal

XVIII - B Wagna

XVIII - B/Z Marburg

XVIII - C Markt Pongau (Austria), aka Stalag 317

XVIII - D (306) Marburg

XX - A Thorn

XX - B Littschen-Marienwerder (1939 - Feb. 1940)

XX - B Marienburg (Feb.1940 - 1945)

XX - C (312) Thorn

XXI - A Schildberg

XXI - A/Z Posen

XXI - B Schubin (Alt-Burgund)

XXI - B Thure

XXI - B1Schokken

XXI - B2 Schubin

XXI - C Grätz

XXI - C Wollstein

XXI - C/Z Wollstein

XXI - D Posen

XXI - D/Z Schildberg

XXI - D/Z Hohensalza-Montwy

XXI - E Grätz


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