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Mi.1-7 (01.01.1946) Children's Aid

Mi.1-7 Children's Aid Rettet die Kinder

Mi.6 (12pf - Mi.71X) on cover of the Kramer-Innung with the slogan 'Rettet die Kinder' (Save the Children) that originally sold for 1 Mark. Ref: 17.01.1946 - 10/16

Mi.1-7 Children's Aid Rettet die Kinder

Mi.6 (12pf - Mi.71X) on cover of the Kramer-Innung with the slogan 'Rettet die Kinder' (Save the Children) that originally sold for 1 Mark. Ref: 17.01.1946 - 10/16

Allied Occupation - Soviet Zone. Children's Aid. Stamps Mi.66-Mi.72 with red overprint of reverse side (from top to bottom and bottom to top). Rouletted.

Mi.6 (Mi.71X) 12pf rouletted (from 'Rettet die Kinder' cover). 30,000 issued. Ref: 17.01.1946 - 10/16


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