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26th 10th 1946

Deutsche Grosseinkaufs Gesellschaft Mi.936

Deutsche Grosseinkaufs Gesellschaft Mi.936

Commercial window envelope (no contents) sent from the 'Deutsche Grosseinkaufs Gesellschaft' (German Wholesale Purchasing Company) in Weinheim to an address in Frankfurt. Above the organisation title there is a small square of brown paper which has 'obliterated' the DAF ('Deutsche Arbeitsfront' - German Labor-front) symbol of the swastika within a 14-toothed cog. Also featuring an 84 Rpf postage stamp (Mi.936). Ref: 26.10.1946 - 13/105

Modern history - Weinheim

The Jewish comminuty comprised of168 in 1933.

On 10th November1938, the furnishings of the synagogue were demolished by the Nazis. Subsequently the building was completely destroyed.

On 22nd October 1940, 40 Jews were deported to Gurs (more information on the Gurs camp here).

In 1967 two Jews were living in Weinheim. A plaque (mounted in 1967) commemorates the destroyed synagogue. Another memorial (mounted in 1999) is dedicated to the victims of the Nazi era.


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