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14th March 1945
Überroller Mail

Uberroller mail

Uberroller mail

FURTHER RESEARCH REQUIRED. Überroller mail. Correspondence written and dated on 3rd March 1945 with cancellation from Wiesengründ (Sudetengau) to an address in Wiesbaden. Franked with 4 & 8 Pf Hitler head definitive stamps that appear to have passed through the domestic German postal system but with further transmission ceasing and the processing of the mail resuming with the British occupation making this 'Uberroller mail'- 'overtaken' mail (postal matter accepted by the Third Reich German or German occupied postal authorities and delivered by the Allied Occupation Forces after the German surrender). The cover has been opened and resealed with 'MIL. CEN.-CIVIL MAILS' tape by British military censors, with hand-stamp '13239' censor to lower left corner. As with other covers of this type the applied Hitler stamps remained un-obliterated. Ref: 14.03.1945

Detail from the written correspondence shows the date as '12.3.45' and it has been assumed that the franking to the Hitler head stamps is the 14th of March (the month numeral is very difficult to read).


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