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5th January 1945 Feldpostprüfstelle Closure

Feldpostprufstelle Closure

Feldpostprufstelle Closure

Feldpost cover sent from FPN 01556 (Regimentsstab und Pionier-Kompanie Jäger-Regiment 204 - date too late?). Featuring a green rectangular hand-stamp (79 x 23mm) to the reverse stating 'Dienststelle F.p. Nr. 39154' - Feldpostprufstelle Panzer-AOK 1. With 28mm feldpost closure tape. Ref: 05.01.1945, MFP1/123

'Feldpostprüfstelle' Closure Tape (Verschlußstreifen) variations (Ref: MFP1/123)

Feldpostprüfstelle - Grey/black on white/grey - 30mm tape - 25.5 x 24mm circle, 'Geöffnet' 27.5mm. Ref: 01.01.1942
Feldpostprüfstelle - Grey/violet on white/grey - 30mm tape - 25 x 24mm circle, 'Geöffnet' 27mm. Ref: 22.03.1943
Feldpostprüfstelle - Violet on cream - 28mm tape - 26 x 24mm circle, 'Geöffnet' 28mm. Poorly printed example most likely due to worn printing plates in 1944/45. Ref: 05.01.1945


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