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4th March 1940
'Die bunten Hefte...' 5

'Die bunten hefte für unsere Soldaten', No.5 (first series), 'Der Artushof' by E.T.A. Hoffmann. Sent from Berlin to a soldier at FPN 26734 B (Infantry Regiment 188, 5th Company). Ref: 04.03.1940 - 8/6

Der Artushof


Link to a synopsis and concepts of Der Artshof

The story begins in the hall known as the Artushof (King Arthur’s court) in Danzig. Its theme is the discovery by a young businessman that his real calling is art. He breaks off his engagement to a potentially good housewife (Christina), and pursues in vain an ideal of womanly beauty (Felizitas), rejecting for her the passionate and loving Dorina. In the end he realises that Felizitas is a symbol of art, not a woman to be possessed, and leaves for Italy to marry Dorina.


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Die bunten Hefte 5

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