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12th June 1935


Bochmann: Hamburg 63 - 1/b - Bd - I

A poster stamp affixed to the reverse of a window envelope. Issued to publicise the June 22nd -30th, 1935 'Derby-Woche', the image depicts the Hamburg skyline, and a string of pennants, each one displaying a date and an event leading up to the Derby. The picture area measures 48mm x 70mm, and was designed by artist Theodor Paul Etbauer (1892 - 1975).

Together with a commemorative cancellation of a similar design (which was produced in 8 variations - see Bochmann).

Ref: 12.06.1935

Derby-Woche or Derby Week, is a week-long event leading up to the prestigious German Derby (Horse race) which was inaugurated in 1867. The term 'Derby' originated in England in the late 18th century, to designate the penultimate horse race of the season, reserved for three-year-old horses. In Germany, the lead up to the actual race was a week-long folk festival including various military and sporting events.

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