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13th November 1934 Westfälische Landeszeitung

Commercial cover sent from Peter Schneiders, a newspaper distributor in Berlin, representing the 'Westfälische Landeszeitung'. The recipient being another newspaper, the 'Niederdeutschen Beobachter'. Ref: 13.11.1934 - 15/69

Westfälische Landeszeitung and Rote Erde


From Wikipedia:

The Westfälische Landeszeitung – Rote Erde was the official organ of the NSDAP and all authorities in the Westphalia-South Gau, based in Bochum.

The Westfälische Landeszeitung – Rote Erde appeared daily in Dortmund from 30th January 1934 to 22nd April 1945. It was a combination of an official gazette and a party newspaper of the NSDAP and thus reflected the takeover of state functions by the NSDAP.

It took over the expropriated General-Anzeiger for Dortmund, which was distributed from 21st April 1933 to 29th January 1934 with the subtitle Rote Erde.

The predecessor as a party newspaper before the seizure of power was the Rote Erde, which was published daily by Josef Wagner in Bochum from 2nd February 1931 to 2nd May1933 with the additions Bochum National Zeitung, Observer for Hagen and the Sauerland, Dortmunder Nationalanzeiger, Kampfblatt for National Socialist Politics. The managing director was the later mayor of Herne, Albert Meister. The newspaper was the National Socialist organ for the Westphalia-South region. It was banned several times in 1931, among other things because it despised Reich PresidentPaul von Hindenburg. Its editor-in-chief Otto Piclum was appointed State Commissioner for Bochum on 24th March 1933 and later the city's mayor.

Niederdeutschen Beobachter

Official organ of the NSDAP and of the Reich Governor for Mecklenburg and Lübeck (Friedrich Hildebrandt, 1898-1948)


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