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21.11.1939 Czech various Mi.4 (Mi.280).jpeg
07.04.1944 Stalag IV-B reverse.jpeg
17.02.1937 W65 detail.jpeg
26.05.1936 MHB 56 cover.jpeg
06.08.1945 Saxon Obliteration detail.jpeg
05.09.1944 England smashed.jpeg
31.07.1940  Winifred Wagner signature front.jpeg
01.03.1939 Mercedes M154 front.jpeg
03.07.1938 Hannover v Schalke front.jpeg
21.11.1934 Josef Wagner.jpeg
17.11.1933 Mi.507 Wagner detail.jpeg
15.03.1942 B&M Mi.84.jpeg
02.11.1947 Wrapper Mi.959 stamp.jpeg
26.01.1944 Robert Koch stamp detail.jpeg
16.01.1940 Deutsche Post Osten Mi.13.jpeg
30.03.1946 Franz Müller Obliteration 4pf Black.jpeg
31.12.1941 Mi.76 detail.jpeg
15.03.1942 B&M Mi.83.jpeg
16.01.1940 Deutsche Post Osten Mi.6.jpeg
24.02.1935 Mi.563 detail.jpeg
11.01.1942 Home page.jpg
Enquire Within.jpeg

A resource for German Philatelic, Postal and Social History during the Third Reich period, intended for collectors, researchers and historians.

Enquire Within detail.jpeg

German History



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Disclaimer: This website does not support the politics, motives, or actions of World War II Nazi Germany, the government of the Third Reich or its leaders and political supporters.

The information provided on the website is intended for collectors, researchers and historians who seek to learn more about German Philatelic, Postal and Social History between 1933 -1945. 

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